As a long-established interpreter-dispatching company in Niigata, our interpreters serve at official events staged by Niigata City and Niigata Prefecture and also in many business settings in the private sector. Thanks to the high quality of our interpretation work, we are held in high repute in all sectors.

We offer a full range of services, from consecutive to simultaneous interpretation, to meet the requirements of our clients for international conferences, seminars, business negotiations and sightseeing.

We guarantee strict confidentiality of all work we undertake.


Ranging from work requested by the Niigata City Office and the Niigata Prefectural Office to work for the private sector, we offer interpretation services in various languages at international conferences, lectures, seminars, and business meetings, as well as attendant interpretation, and tour guides.

■Details of our Interpretation Service
・We dispatch professional interpreters with extensive experience.
・We strive for a depth of understanding of different cultures and fields.
・We dispatch professional interpreters who are not only excellent linguists, but who also possess ample knowledge of the subject matter.
・We request background material from clients to ensure that our interpreters are well-briefed on the subject in order to make their work a success.
・We place emphasis not only on the interpretation techniques, but also on the organizational skills and ability of our interpreters to cope with the unexpected.
Sightseeing interpretation service:Half day \30,000〜
Interpretation at a business meeting: Half day \45,000〜
※The rate may vary dependent on the content of the work. Please feel free to get in touch with us for further details or please click here to make an inquiry.
We have served a wide range of clients, from the local sector to overseas entities, including the following:
Name of Client
Interpretation service provided
新潟県庁 ・第1回アジア文化祭オープニングセレモニー 通訳
・オランダ北ホラント経済視察団 通訳
・新潟県立植物園オープン記念講演会 通訳
村上市役所 ・全国鮭サミット大使館員付 通訳
新潟地場産業センター ・産業デザインセミナー 通訳
にいがた緑の百年物語委員会 ・講演会/日仏 通訳
オークラホテル新潟 ・オランダフェア/オランダ駐日大使付 通訳
東北電力 ・韓国語 通訳
三菱マテリアル ・日・マレーシア語 通訳
特装工業 ・オーストリア技術者 逐次通訳
小松エスト ・商談通訳
山形日米草の根交流推進協議 ・国際教育者意見交換会 通訳
ボーリング場協会 ・米プロボウラー・エキシビジョン 通訳
日本青年会議所 ・JCIアカデミー国際セミナー講師 通訳
コミュニティーネットワーク協会 ・NPOと高齢社会の地域づくり講演会 通訳
シカゴ日本商工会議所 ・イリノイ州教育視察団県庁訪問 通訳
フルブライト委員会 ・フルブライト教育視察団 通訳
国際アセアンセンター ・中小企業視察同行 通訳
チェコ投資庁 ・チェコ投資セミナー 通訳
JETRO ・タイ投資セミナー 通訳
・2×4カナダ住宅セミナー 通訳
・国際チタン協会講演会 通訳
For inquiries, or to request our interpretation services, please click here.