We have received requests for translation in various fields from many companies both within and without Niigata Prefecture.
We offer high quality translation to meet the needs of our clients.

For inquiries, or to request our translation services, please click here.


Fields of translation General Including business letters, reports, newspaper and magazine articles
Advertising Company catalogues, advertisements, sales promotion materials
Technology Machinery / documents relating to electronic devices
Information Technology Information Technology-related manuals
Medicine Academic papers, theses, etc.
Law Contracts of all kinds, official documents
The Environment Environment-related documents

Translation rate General translation \4,000〜
Specialized-field translation(Technology / Medical / Legal) \6,000〜

※Charges are calculated as follows:
One page for Japanese/Chinese/Korean = 400 characters
One page for Western languages = 200 words.
Please note that the final charge is calculated based on the number of translated pages in the target language (the language translated into).
※Layouts (tables, diagrams, illustrations, etc.) are charged separately.
※In addition to the above, we offer proofreading, translation of motion pictures, subtitles, and narration.
※Estimates are free of charge.

 (in no special order)

新潟県庁 新潟市役所 村上市役所 五泉市役所
塩沢町役場 中条町役場 新潟税務署 新潟労働基準局
新潟大学 医学部 新潟薬科大学 国立がんセンター (株)国土開発センター
(財)新潟県国際交流協会 (財)環日本海経済研究所 (財)防災科学技術研究所 (株)開発技研
(株)新潟放送 UXTV (旧NT21) (株)ヤマハミュージック新潟 (株)新潟鉄工所
(株)中越運送 (株)遠藤製作所 (株)北都 (株)第一印刷所
(株)博進堂 小野塚印刷(株) (株)タカヨシ 放送技術社
(株)時空映像 (株)BSNアイネット (株)瑞穂医科工業 (株)特装工業     など

For inquiries, or to request our translation services, please click here.